Dear all,
This letter represents the call for applications for our Training School “Eye-tracker use for reading data collection” in Paris (from 14 to 16 June) with a deadline of May 15 .
Only 10 trainees will be invited to the Training school and receive a travel grant of 750 Euro ; therefore I kindly ask you to send me your applications by May 15 to my email , including the following documents:
1. Motivation letter
2. CV including award date of the applicant’s PhD, the current position, a list of the applicant’s activities in the ongoing COST-activities
Each invited trainee will receive a grant from COST, covering (parts of) travel and accommodation costs. Following the preliminary program:
* Location: The school will take place at LUTIN (cite des sciences de l’industrie, Av Corentin Cario, PARIS.
* Local organizer: Thierry Baccino
* Dates: 14 to 16 June
* Topic/title: Eye-tracker use for reading data collection
Description of the TS:
The TS aims at teaching both the eye-tracking technique (eye-tracker use, data collection with experimental and quasi experimental designs) and data analyses. The schedule will be the following:
* 14 june – description of the different techniques (remote/wearable) and state-of-art.
* 15 june – designing user test/experiment using an eye-tracker (test design, calibration, data collection from the participants).
* 16 june – data analyses (selection of relevant metrics, statistical analysis, interpretation).
As the Deadline for applications to be submitted is the 15/05/2017 and the date for the Notification of application outcome is the 26/05/2017, we suggest concluding the assessment before 22/05/2017 in order to have the time to collect the data and create the ranking.
Don’t hesitate to contact me for further explanations.
All best,
Massimo Salgaro