What is E-READ?
Evolution of reading in the age of digitisation (E-READ) is a COST Action with the goal to improve scientific understanding of the implications of digitization, hence helping individuals, disciplines, societies and sectors across Europe to cope optimally with the effects.
E-READ comprises a number of projects and initiatives at different levels and scientific scope. There are several strategic, within-Working Group projects.
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Working Groups
Working Group 1
Continuing/skilled (PISA-age) reading International assessments (e.g., PISA 2009, 2012; PIRLS 2011) have underlined that the increasing literacy demands of everyday life demand improvement of the reading skills of all students, not just those in difficulty. Individuals of all ages are increasingly exposed to information in a wide range of digital forms and sizes (smartphones, computers,…
Working Group 2
Developmental aspects of reading Today’s children are steeped in digitally dominated media; this digital exposure is likely to affect deep reading. Deep reading is a complex process that builds on the efficiency of lower level linguistic skills, such as orthographic, phonological, semantic, morphological and syntactic knowledge, to decode and comprehend text (Wolf, 2007; Wolf et…
Working Group 3
Experiential and emotional aspects of reading Empirical research shows that literary deep reading, by virtue of its appeal to first-person experience, yields potentially unique cognitive and emotional benefits (enhancing the capacity for empathy, social inference, emotional self-regulation, verbal abilities and intelligence). The increasing use of e-readers and tablets for literary reading warrants closer scrutiny of…
Working Group 4
The ergonomics of reading (physiology; haptic & tactile feedback) Reading has usually been considered as a purely cognitive process, only based on visual perception, and not really involving body actions except eye movements and, to a lesser extent, head movements. Yet, reading is a multimodal activity involving other body parts, particularly the hands, and hence…
Call for E-READ panels at IGEL 2020
iPads in schools: a blessing or curse?
Ann Marcus Quinn and Triona Hourigan interviews about Stavanger Declaration
Stavanger Declaration presentation at the PLB3 building of European Commission
Interviews concerning the Stavanger declaration in German press
https://www.tagblatt.de/Nachrichten/Texte-werden-eher-gescannt-403506.html https://www.moz.de/artikel-ansicht/dg/0/1/1708150/ https://www.swp.de/politik/inland/die-digitalisierung-veraendert-das-lesen.-29435354.html https://www.stuttgarter-zeitung.de/inhalt.studie-zum-leseverstaendnis-sachtexte-liest-man-lieber-nicht-am-bildschirm.61044dde-8ae3-4472-9918-f3134a8817e1.html